Monday, July 6, 2009

29 juin au 6 juillet : S*** Happens

Not much to say about this week but a great life lesson : shit happens... but also good things.

The beginning of the week was terrible : i was definitely not in a mood to get some problems, but there is no control over that :
My insurance tells me that they cancel the covering due to invalid license,
I have no work to do in the company,
My American bank charges me 100$ for a 17$ negative balance (approx 30 dollars per transaction, even tiny one, and with this credit system, i had a lot of transactions for : a coffee (2$) a sandwich (5$) etc... from Montreal).
The very same bank refused to wire the whole check i got for motorcycle repairs, which would have made the balance positive earlier...

Anyways, I had to deal with that, I made some research to prove to my insurance my license was valid (they did not want to re-insure me at first !). I went to the bank and they gave me back 30$... not enough, don't go to Bank of America, this policy about fees is brand new and very bad for customer. I also started to repair my bike, nothing hard, just cosmetic works.

That's in the end of the week that Sandie told me she would definitely go to California and I would be welcome.
The very same day, John (a Fraunhofer engineer) called me and told me he would need some help in Delaware to install the machines, and he was booking the flight for the next week,
The same evening, I received a letter saying that my insurance with ridiculous apologies reestablished my contract.

See, shit happens, and it's hard to deal with, but some good things can happen as well...

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